🔥【Fred Wilson:2019 年加密貨幣不再「避風」Cryptocurrency will no longer be the "warmest haven."】

Fred Wilson身為專業的風險投資家,在過去曾經投資於 Twitter、Tumblr、Zynga 和 Etsy 等數家公司,在2019新的一年1 月 1 號發表文章表示,在 2019 年經濟「疲軟」的情況下,加密貨幣將不再是投資者「安全的避風港」。
根據 Wilson的說法,加密貨幣的觸底過程將在 2019 年的某的時間點結束,之後再逐漸進入全新的看漲階段。而相較於加密貨幣,穩定幣、非同質化代幣(NFT)和加密遊戲也預估將在 2019 年有顯著進步和消費者採用率。
As a professional venture capitalist, Fred Wilson has invested in companies such as Twitter, Tumblr, Zynga and Etsy. He published an article on January 1st 2019 with indicating that the economy will become “weak” in 2019. Underneath, cryptocurrency will no longer be a "warmest haven" for the investors.
According to Wilson's statement, the limiting out of cryptocurrencies will end at some point in 2019 and then gradually enter a new bullish phase. Compared to cryptocurrencies, stable currency, non-homogeneous tokens (NFT) and encryption games are also expected to show significant progress and consumer adoption rates in 2019.

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