🔥【為什麼區塊鏈這麼難?Why Blockchain is Hard?🤔】
# Blocklearn 一直以來區塊鏈這個產業是個備受爭議的產業。有人說他可以解決現實生活中真實金錢所帶來的收支不平衡的問題,有人說它是所有數據安全的保證,有人說透明開箱作業讓顧客能夠百分之百的信任,甚至有人說它能夠拯救瀕死邊緣的嬰兒。區塊鏈的能力真的有這麼大嗎?那為什麼還是這麼多人還是拒絕伸出友誼的手呢? 在今天推薦的文章中,讓我們一起試著了解區塊鍊是什麼,更重要的是,它“不是什麼”。 - The hype around blockchain is massive. To hear the blockchain hype train tell it, blockchain will now: Solve income inequality, Make all data secure forever, Make everything much more efficient and trustless, and even save dying babies..etc.What the heck is a blockchain, anyway? And can it really do all these things? Can blockchain bring something amazing to industries as diverse as health care, finance, supply chain management and music rights? How can you be for Bitcoin but say anything bad about the technology behind it? In this article, we will seek these questions by looking at what a blockchain is and more importantly, what it’s not. - 閱讀全文To Read More 👉 : https://medium.com/@jimm…/why-blockchain-is-hard-60416ea4c5c - ✅ Buckchaf 正在打造能真正在現實生活中交易使用的虛擬貨幣! ✅ 訂閱電子報即時收到我們...