🔥【Blockchain 有多火?Coinbase 成功募資$300萬美金,市值高達80億美金!】
數位資產交易平台 Coinbase 預言加密貨幣將成為下一個世代的「網路」!10/30/2018宣布市值高達80億美金,投資的加速器為知名的 Polychain Capital, Y Combinator Continuity, Wellington Management, Andreessen Horowitz,預備拓展全球市場,支持超過千種加密貨幣! “We see tremendous promise in crypto to build the next great phase of the internet (often referred to as Web 3), which has the power to put control back in the hands of consumers, unleash a new era of innovation, and offer greater access to economic opportunities to more people around the world,” Coinbase concluded. 👉閱讀全文: https://news.bitcoin.com/coinbase-raises-300-million-reaching-8-billion-valuation/ 👉中文小總結: https://reurl.cc/V3jk5 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 🔜Buckchaf 正在打造能真正在現實生活中交易使用的虛擬貨幣! 🔜 訂閱電子報即時收到我們的最新訊息: 🔎 https://buckchaf.com/ 🔎 https://www.facebook.com/buckchaf/